Visualisation by Matt Bowker and James Newman, 2003. Click to enlarge.

Imagine the tallest 25 buildings in the world all in one skyline giving something of Blade Runner proportions. Well here they are complete with a key on what's what in scale standing alongside each other.

The background picture is Chicago and provides the perfect backdrop for some of the worlds most awe inspiring buildings. The most amazing thing (as with the Supertalls picture) is that although there are towers of enormous proportions there you'd hardly think so unless you looked at the heights of them. None of the towers look excessively tall because they are all surrounded by their peers. Its another example of how one tall building surrounded by short ones looks stupid but a dozen tall buildings fit in well with each and no one design dominates.

For those of you who are wondering London Bridge Tower if built would currently be number 21. London's future tallest is but a relative minow compared to whats on offer around the rest of the world.

We've had a lot of sites linking to this page and commenting on the image. One misconception is that this image is out of proportion with some of the building's but that isn't really the case at all. For example looking at the height of the Sears and Hancock Towers you might think they are muddled up but they aren't because you have no idea of how far away they are - perspective :)

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