Canary Wharf 3d Map.
To view this map simply move the mouse over the button and the view will change. The top button for example is to view from the North looking South, the left button to view from the West looking East etc etc. To view a larger version of each view just click on the necessary button and youll have a 1600x960 image come up. Please bear in mind that this is very much a work in progress and that there are plenty of unbuilt on plots that you can see marked. These will be completed over the coming weeks and months until the entire area is completed.
The very latest version of the map is available here - last updated on the 4th of November. I have added 30 tbe South Collonade to it and also Discovery Dock.
To understand this map please refer to the key to the right which explains what the colour of each plot is. Some of the designs in proposed / pre-planning plots are imaginative and for massing purposes only working on the planned amount of space for the area.
To view the quicktime vr viewpoints click on the area in the map and you will get a 360 degree view from that particular location. You will need to have downloaded the quicktime plug-in for this to work properly.
Copyright J. Newman 2003. Thanks to Matt Bowker and Jon Smith for their help and encouragement. No reposting or publishing without permission.
Under Construction
Quicktime VR viewpoint